Do you want to shade in an area that gets a lot of sun. Would you like to raise and lower your Sun Shades, Motorized Power Screens or Window Shades without getting up and doing it manually, perhaps having to move things around.
Some obvious benefits are ease of operation, eliminating child safety hazards and the practicality of push button control. By motorizing your patio, balcony, garage or office into a shaded, comfortable, private and pest- free environment At the touch of a button the Clear View Motorized Power Screen drops down to provide a cool and ventilated area.
If you go on vacation a timer will raise and lower them at set times just as you where there! Motorizing integrates electrical products with Window Shades, Sun Screens, Solar Screens. Several type of motorization are available including low voltage energy efficient motors, battery powered motors and heavy duty motors for larger and wider openings. These are controlled by individual or group controls for wall switches, remote controls, programmable timers or wind and sun sensors. These can be integrated with home automation systems, TV remotes, or your computer system. Then you can raise or lower your window coverings with a long distance phone call. There are several design solutions for soffits, hidden pockets and wiring. Another customization option is the relatively new five year battery life motors for roller shades. This can be one of the most practical options because it eliminates the need for more costly electrical renovations. Home lighting control systems, used to control artificial light, can also be used to control natural light by adding motorized window coverings.
If you’re searching for Screen Doors in Orange County area, or other near by areas, here are some other cities we service.
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